Monday, October 20, 2008

This is not a Restaurant

Now that I no longer have my $25 an hour babysitter I have to bring the kids with me everywhere. It was worth $25 an hour not to have them with me. But I don't have a choice anymore.

I had another follow up with the podiatrist, just a post op check up. It wasn't a big deal. He just needed to check the range of motion, healing etc. But Holden didn't have school today so I had Holden as well as the twins with me.

The kids always like the drive into San Francisco. Through the Rainbow tunnel! Over the Golden Gate Bridge! Then we drive up up up the hills in San Francisco! Into the garage! Oooh spooooooky!

We all hold hands as we walk through the garage. We go up the stairs to the elevator. Push the button!

I push the button!

S'my turn! I wanna push!

We get to my Dr's office.

OK, guys, sit down.

OK Mommy. I sit down. Where my dolly?
OK Mommy.
We're in da restaurant!

No, honey. This isn't a restaurant. This is the Dr.'s office.

OK, Mommy. Not a restaurant. Where are de tables?

No, honey, there are no tables. This isn't a restaurant. This is my Dr.'s office.

OK, Mommy. Where's my food? I wanna snack.

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