Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Opossum Named Walle

The cat saga continues.

Paddington desperately wants a friend. Chloe isn't as enthusiastic about the idea of a new friend. Chloe wants to be left alone.

So I spoke with Marin Cat Connections last week. They are kind of over the top cat people. They ( again) told me I should have 2 kittens so the older one would be left alone. I wasn't so sure I'd want another kitten. I remained open to the idea. I left an application, thinking they'll either turn me down, or if accepted, I could turn them down. They will also take a cat back if its not a good fit.

Holden and I went to the adoption place today. We were accepted. Not for the cat we'd put the application in for, but her brother. He seemed pretty sweet. They thought he'd be a good fit with our chaos.

For some reason it took most of today to fill out the paper work and answer their many follow through questions. What are the ages of my other cats? Did I have animals growing up? What do I think is a good reason for getting rid of a cat?

I guessed that telling them I get a new cat every 6 months or as often as I redecorate because I like the cat to match my decor was not the answer they were looking for.

I filled out more paperwork. I answered more questions. I paid the adoption fee. I signed a document stating I'd always be a good cat owner and take care of the cat and go to the vet and I'd never do bad things.

They said the surrogate mom owner person would bring her to my house and help me get him set up. I needed to have a special room where he could be sequestered. We don't have that, but I pretended we did.

So tonight the kids had dinner and shortly thereafter a woman arrived with our newest cat. His name was Chattsworth and I wanted to change it.

I asked the kids what we should name the cat.


Cutie Pie.



Oliver is convinced the cat is an opossum. He is white with gray ( Siamese mix). He does kind of look like an opossum.

" Oliver, who is that?"

" Thats Opossum. Thats Walle"

So now we have an opossum named Walle.

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