Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If the Vet Says its OK

I haven't been using my crutches as I'd like to think I've put this whole thing behind me. The novelty has worn off and in my opinion I'm done. I'm cured now. Its over. Time to get back to walking around like a regular person.
Unfortunately my Dr. does not share my enthusiasm. I'm stuck with this stupid shoe for another week. I did get my stitches out. But I thought I was going to impress him with my great mobility and ability to heal myself in 2 easy weeks. But no, he said I have to keep icing it and keep this horrible shoe. I am however, done with the crutches if I don't want them. I don't.
I quickly figured out that I can't carry anything and use crutches. So I decided I'd give them up. I like carrying things. I like getting things done. Sitting around isn't really my thing.
Holden has been asking daily if the vet said I get to keep the crutches when I'm done with them.
I don't go to a vet.

Sure, if I thought it would save time and money I'd try out a vet. But as it turns out , insurance covered this surgery so I just went with a regular old Dr.

So my Dr, or vet as Holden refers to him, confirmed that I am finished with the crutches and , best news of all, I get to keep them. So the crutches have been lowered to the lowest notch of all and the kids get to play surgery.

What could be better than that?

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