Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Month of Bribes

Its almost December. The month of bribes. This year I'm starting a little early.
I've asked Holden to make sure he puts away all of his socks as I sort through the clean laundry. You see, if Santa sees an empty sock drawer he'll think the one thing Holden really needs is socks. Santa will then fill the stockings with socks. Would you rather have socks or toys? Toys? Well, then make sure your clean socks are put away.
Time to clear out our closets. I know those toys that were stuck in the back of the closet may seem appealing. You haven't noticed them in over a year. However, if we give them to children that have no toys at all then our closets are bare. Santa might give you new and fabulous toys that will take up that exact same space. If we hang on to the old half broken things and keep our closets filled with clutter then Santa will assume we have no room for new toys. He'll skip right over our house. He'll go to houses where boys and girls only have a few cherished well cared for toys and he'll deliver something extraordinarily special. But he'll skip over us.
Look how much room that plastic projector takes up. Imagine if that space was empty. You could fit a whole Lego set in there! Or we could hang on to the plastic projector you played with that one time last year. Oh really? You're ready to see it go? Well, OK, if thats what you want...

God, I love Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh you are smart. you are reeeaaaaaallly smart!! to bribe the kids!!