Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Haunts Me about Halloween

Trick or Treating can be fraught with potential hazards. Too scary, too loud, too crowded. Some of the kids run ahead, some lag behind and someone gets misplaced.

This year I had to pause the trick or treating session to implement a new rule. You cannot say " Can I have an extra piece of candy for my stupid brother?"
" Its so silly to say that! I'm copying Charlie Brown movie!"
Yes, I know that, but the problem is that no one else knows that. We cannot ask for additional candy for your " stupid brother", regardless of whether or not he is off waiting for the Great Pumpkin somewhere.

Minor inappropriate Halloween video references aside, this was a particularly successful trick or treat session. All four kids were out for hours, well past dark. All four kids handled the varying degrees of ghoulish delights and keening sounds.

Best of all, no one had to go to the bathroom.

There was one year, one unforgettable year, when Griffin had to pee. We had wandered deep into the bustling kid friendly neighborhood and I did not know anyone who lived in the immediate vicinity. Fortunately I ran into someone who knew someone who lived nearby and she escorted us to their home. Yes, they would let my then 3 year old use their bathroom. I was so relieved. So was he. I frantically tried to get his costume off in time and he just made it. But then I saw some pee across the back of the toilet. Did he do that? I don't know. But I have to clean it because we are using the bathroom of these kind people. So I cleaned it up with wads of soapy toilet paper. But was it my child's pee?

Oh how this question still haunts me.

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