Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Honing My Skills

I am so glad I went to college. College prepared me for life. I was able to hone my deductive reasoning skills. Had I not been able to hone these skills I would never have solved yesterday"s mystery.

Griffin went into the bathroom. Griffin came out of the bathroom. Griffin needed to wipe. Griffin went right back into the bathroom. I sat him on the toilet and he finished what he had started. I looked around the bathroom and his room and the hallway for any remnants I may have missed. All clear.

Dinner time rolled around, as it always does. OK everyone, time to wash hands!

They all trooped into the bathroom.

Oh NO! Mommy! There is poop on the floor!

I went and checked it out. No one had been in the bathroom and there was indeed poop smeared on the floor. There was nothing in the toilet or on the walls. I checked bottoms and bottoms of feet. Nothing. Everyone was clean, dry and free of anything vile. So how did it get there? And how was it smeared if no one stepped in it?

I thought and thought.

OK, if Griffin had in fact had an accident earlier how did I miss it when I cleaned the floor with bleach? That could not have happened.

I thought some more.

Finally my college education paid off...
I turned the step stool over. My answer laid in stinky wait. There it was. A small blob of poop. So, Griffin had gone into the bathroom, had a bit of poop on the floor, covered it with the step stool ( this also explains the vaguely guilty face I'd dismissed earlier). When it was time to wash hands someone scooted the step stool over, smearing the otherwise hidden poop.

Griffin? Did you poop on the floor and hide it with the step stool?

No, Laurel did.

I think you pooped on the floor Griffin.


No, she did not. I went to college where I honed my powers of deductive reasoning, little knowing at the time that I would someday put these skills to good use.

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