Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Drawed

Laurel got a princess lap desk for her birthday. She LOVED it. Her big brothers have their own desks, and now that she is three, and all grown up, she has her very own desk like a big girl.
Laurel was proud of her new desk. Very proud.

This is what I did not know: Laurel took her special big girl lap desk with her when she went down for her nap.

This is what I learned: Laurel had her princess big girl desk with her when she was unsupervised in her room.

Laurel and Griffin went down for their naps. As always, there was a lot of giggling and commotion before the eventual silence. As always, I ignored the sounds.

Once Laurel and Griffin had quieted I busied myself with whatever thankless tasks I busy myself with during their nap time.

Eventually I heard the rustling and commotion of wakeful children. I opened their door and was met the magic marker... EVERYWHERE.

The marker was on Laurel, on her shirt, on her sheets, on her blanket, on her hands and face. She had been very busy during nap time.

" Laurel! What did you do??"

" Griffin did this." Laurel calmly explained.

She then turned to Griffin and said " You tell her what you did."

Griffin, who was not covered in marker, jovially turned to me and said " I drawed, Mommy".

Um... No you didn't, Laurel did.

I fear the teenage years.

1 comment:

Willow said...

Woah, I did that when I was a kid, only I did it on the walls as well as my little brother. All over my bedroom.

They had to repaint the entire room.

I don't actually remember it, but the story has been retold so many times that I know every single details.

I also, with the help of my cousin, decided to make a clown make up on my little brother's face. You know, the big black "beard" surrounding a big red smile? and the black triangles over and under the eyes?

Well we used those big felt permanent markers. My Mom was overjoyed!

Little bro is 30 years old, he probably still have some marker spots on him somewhere.

And they wonder why I don't have kids...
