Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Great Sock Mystery

I don't really believe in the whole mystery which enshrouds the age old where did the other sock go? Why isn't it in the dryer? questions. In our household there is always a wadded up sock shoved behind a sofa or inside a DVD case. Thats normal for us.

What I don't understand is the sock in the car phenomenon. How do we end up with one dirty sock in the car? Does someone take off their shoes and socks, drop one dirty sock on the floor, put one sock back on and then put their shoes back on? All without my noticing? Assuming that is the reason behind the lone sock in the car that leads right to the question.

Why? Why would someone do that?

1 comment:

Willow said...

Take heart, I've discovered that a lot of my "lost items" actually ended up in the cat litter.

The car ain't so bad...